Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
CustomUserFieldsHash |
CustomUserFieldsHash |
integer |
None. |
FieldData |
User's custom fields data |
Collection of UserCustomFieldData |
None. |
UserProviderKey |
User Id |
string |
None. |
UserName |
Username (login) |
string |
None. |
E-mail address |
string |
None. |
FirstName |
Firstname |
string |
None. |
LastName |
Lastname |
string |
None. |
MiddleName |
Middlename |
string |
None. |
DisplayName |
The name the user wants to display (like nick name) |
string |
None. |
NoteBesideName |
The note beside name, e.g. job position |
string |
None. |
FullName |
Fullname, automatically composed, not null |
string |
None. |
IsApproved |
If true, the user can log on |
boolean |
None. |
IsEndUser |
Has End-User role |
boolean |
None. |
IsSmartUser |
Has Smart user role |
boolean |
None. |
IsOperator |
Has Operator role |
boolean |
None. |
IsSuperOperator |
Has Superoperator role |
boolean |
None. |
IsAdministrator |
Has Administrator role |
boolean |
None. |
TimeZoneId |
The time zone identifier (TimeZoneInfo.Id Property) |
string |
None. |
ExternalAccount |
If true, the account is external |
boolean |
None. |
EmailAccount |
If true, the account has been created based on a ticket from email |
boolean |
None. |
Customer |
Default customer name (if the user is a member of any) |
string |
None. |
CustomerId |
Default customer Id (if the user is a member of any) |
integer |
None. |
Customers |
List of all customers (if the user is a member of any) |
Collection of UserCustomerData |
None. |
Phones |
Phones |
Collection of string |
None. |
AdditionalInformation |
Additional information about user |
string |
None. |
OperatorGroupIds |
List of Ids of operators' groups |
Collection of integer |
None. |
InternalGroupIds |
List of Ids of internals' groups |
Collection of integer |
None. |
Color |
User's color. The value will be null if the user does not exist. |
string |
None. |
Initials |
User's initials. The value will be null if the user does not exist. |
string |
None. |
PhotoLastUpdatedUtc |
The date when the photo was changed. If the value is null the photo does not exist. |
date |
None. |
LastUpdatedUtc |
Last update time of the User entity. If not set, the update time is unknown. |
date |
None. |
Language |
User's language. The language that user used last time in Requestor. |
LanguageEnum |
None. |
Anonymized |
If true, the user has been anonymized |
boolean |
None. |
Tags |
All customer's tags. |
Collection of TagData |
None. |
ExternalId |
Id from another system to identificate user |
string |
None. |
ManagerKey |
Id of user's manger. |
string |
None. |
Company |
User's company |
string |
None. |
Department |
User's department |
string |
None. |
Division |
User's division |
string |
None. |
EmployeeId |
User's employee Id |
string |
None. |
SecondaryEmails |
Secondary emails |
Collection of string |
None. |